10 Things To Ask Your Managed Service Provider 

As a Managed Service Provider for many organizations, including those in the healthcare and small business industries, we are proud of our commitment to providing exceptional technology services including AWS, security, compliance and IT support to our clients.  When initially researching and starting the consultation process with a Managed Service Provider, there are some key questions you may want to include in your screening of said organizations. Knowing how your MSP would handle issues ranging from emergency security scenarios to the more mundane daily IT support fixes is critical to choosing one who will be able to handle your unique organization’s technical issues. 

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Technical Competencies

One of the most important aspects that you will want to know about a Managed Service Provider is how good they are at what they do. How technically competent are they at their services?  Questions that you may want to ask to hash out the level of skill and experience would include: 

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Business Quality 

When hiring a Managed Service Provider, it is critical to know how they run their business and how they will be able to meet your company where it’s at.  Questions to consider when meeting with an MSP should include questions about their pricing and contractual hours, the flexibility of the contract, and additional costs for infrastructure or management fees.  Here are a few questions to ask to flesh out the nitty gritty details when hiring an MSP. 

Security Questions 

We all know that the world of technology requires a comprehensive security plan. Ask key questions to determine how safe your data and networks are under the care of the MSP.  These are all important questions to ask as you hunt for a professional and experienced Managed Service Provider for your organization's technical needs whether they are security-related, IT support-focused or deal with compliance issues.