Common IT Support Issues

  • Trouble Logging In - This is a common problem that could be easily solved depending upon the issue. It could be as simple as spelling the password incorrectly or even  capitalizing the wrong letter. Or it could be that the cap locks are on! If you have tried and re-tried the username and password that you set up, the next step would be checking in your password manager (if you have one set up). If you do not have a password manager or a central location for all your usernames and passwords such as 1Password or any of the other programs, you may want to consider it. If all else fails, consider following the directions for an account recovery where you will get a new password and/or username sent to the email associated with the account.
  •       Do you have some of these common IT Issues? Call Spectra Networks at 978.219.9752, or visit our website.  ]]>