How To Make The Most of 365
Over the last couple of years, Spectra Networks has discussed at length the rollout of the new Microsoft 11 and the use of 365 in our blogs “Why Businesses Should Upgrade to Microsoft 11” and “Empowering Your Remote Business with 365.” We thought this would be a great time to review to make the most of your Office 365 as we head into the start of a new year.
Everyone loves to get more done in less time, especially when time comes at such a premium these days. Knowing best how to use your Office 365 can make your work tasks go quicker and help you stay ahead of the ever-growing mountain of work that never seems to dissipate.
Since the Office 365 platform is constantly being improved and new features are being added regularly, it’s a good idea to hold training sessions so your workforce can stay on top of workflow changes that can make them more productive and efficient.
Here are a few of those features that could help you be the envy of your office.

Share & Communicate
Half the battle at work is often communicating your part of a project with other team members who may or may not be in your physical office.
By using Microsoft Teams and OneDrive Cloud sharing, many users find they can collaborate with team members easily and in most cases seamlessly. The ability to communicate, share calendars, exchange files, and conveniently chat with the instant messaging tool makes organizing projects a snap.
Focus Your Email
If you’ve ever opened your email and wondered how it got so full, you are not alone.
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to head to your email inbox and see only the top-priority emails that need your immediate attention? Microsoft Office’s Focused Inbox will allow you to replace the clutter and put actionable items front and center.
Outlook will separate your emails into “Focused” and others allowing you to sift through the junk. You will still have access to the “other” category, just at your pace and time schedule.
Spend Less Time Finding Things
Finding the answers to your questions can be time-consuming, but not with Office 365.
Using the Tell Me feature allows you to enter words or phrases that direct you to a command that is instantly performed for you. All you need to do is click Tell Me on the menu bar and you will have the answer to your question. Remember that the menu bar may ask for clarification with a drop-down menu but it will get you to the task you desire.
Don’t you wish everything was this easy in life?
Use Keyboard Shortcuts
While we could write an entire blog about shortcuts you could utilize in Microsoft Office 365, here is a quick list that you can tackle one by one and find that your productivity time increases exponentially. Here are just a few of the shortcuts you can master.
Visit us again and we will be sure to keep you updated on new and exciting features that will keep you productive and efficient in your workplace.
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