Internal Security Threats: Causes & Solutions 

When IT experts discuss threats to the security of a business or organization, often the first image one thinks about is a threat from outside the company. A person or organization hacking their way in to steal vital and sensitive data is the most common image conjured up. Unfortunately, that is only one form of cyber security threat.  Internal security threats are just as critical and often more likely.  Internal security threats are among some of the most serious technology threats for small and medium-sized businesses. In fact, a CoxBlue study shows that 48% of all data breaches are because of internal threats such as negligent employees, employee sabotage, accidental loss of data, or weakened security measures or practices. 

What Is An Internal Threat? 

Internal threats to your organization’s computer systems and sensitive data can take several different forms.  For instance, employees carry and work with sensitive data all the time. From taking a laptop home to finish up a project without proper security software, to leaving a desktop unattended for an extended amount of time, employees can unwittingly become a vulnerability in a plot to weaken the security of an organization. Sadly, sometimes employees are intentionally a malicious threat and have plans to sabotage or steal data from the business.  Internal threats can include:  While innocent mistakes are always a possibility, following proper procedures and security protocols can help mitigate some of these accidental internal threats. However, the more malicious, planned threats are another thing entirely. 

Threat Solutions

Each business has its own set of needs and requirements when it comes to reducing internal threats, usually in the form of an information security plan. As in some of these plans, here are some common ways to reduce the amount and scope of threats.