Tech Terms For Novices
Whether you are new to the tech world or work in a field that relies on technology to be successful, there are certain terms that you will need to know to achieve that goal. In the IT and tech world, it is easy to get lost in “tech speak” or acronyms that mean very little to the computer layperson.
Technology and IT covers a lot of ground from systems to back-end development and from design to social media. Let’s try to hit on some of the more common terms that everyone should know across the board.
Today’s blog is geared toward our newer followers or those looking to learn a little bit about the tech they come in contact with every day.
This term is used interchangeably with restart. It simply means restarting your computer. It is recommended to do this on a weekly basis to keep it running at an efficient speed.
An icon refers to an image, usually small in size, that allows you to open a file, start a command, or launch a program when clicked.
Sometimes referred to as a link, usually highlighted or underlined on a webpage, that (when clicked) will bring you to another page.
This action refers to copying files or databases to another site or an external drive (for example a USB flash drive or stick). This is done to preserve data in case of equipment failure or any other problems.
This term refers to a computer’s way of storing information, often temporarily, so it can be quickly accessed. This is often seen with websites that you visit often and the stored information is often fonts and images to make the site load faster the next time you visit.
This acronym stands for virtual private network. This means that when a user is tapping into a public network, they are able to keep their data private and out of the eyes of a potential malicious “watcher.”
BYOD is short for Bring Your Own Device. This policy refers to a business that allows the workforce to use their own computer (laptop, tablet, etc) while conducting business work. This usually entails having the device checked for updated security measures and a list of best practices so that data is not left vulnerable.
Most users have seen this term each time they open a new website or head onto new internet locations. This means that a cookie, or file, stores information sent by the website, and each time the user returns to the site, the site can access the file and add information.
How many terms did you know? Visit our blog again soon for more helpful tips and information to assist you in your goal of becoming a tech guru.
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