Top Ways to Really Mess Up Your Computer
We’ve said it before and we’ll surely say it again, “To err is human, but to really foul things up, you need a computer.” This may be in jest, but it really rings true in so many instances. There are many, many ways to mess up your computer and we are here to remind you how NOT to do that.
Believe it or not, barring some odd hardware failure, it is pretty hard to destroy a computer. Sure dropping it or spilling coffee on it is not great for the computer, but the more common problems are caused by bad user habits. The care for your computer is really all in how you operate online and treat your computer on a daily basis. Here’s our list of top ways that you can neglect your computer and really mess things up.
Not Using Anti Malware Protection
If you wouldn’t leave your car unlocked with the keys dangling in the ignition then don’t do the same with your computer. Not protecting your system is basically an invitation for spyware, trojans, viruses, and rootkits to access your system. Viruses and spyware can use this lapse in judgment to gain access to information and use it in a malicious manner.
Not Patching Software Right Away
Remember the WannaCry patch that so many users failed to install? That patch could have easily solved the next round of software problems had IT departments properly installed when the patch was initially released. Patches are meant to solve security issues and should be completed when they are released. The same thinking goes for updates; they have a purpose and should not be ignored because, before you know it, the cybercriminals will be taking advantage of the vulnerability that has been discovered.
Not Backing Up Data Regularly
Your company and personal data are important, therefore you should be backing it up at regular intervals. If your company does not have a backup protocol, how will you recover from a disaster whether it is caused by a hacker or an act of nature? Back up to the cloud, a server, or a local disc. Whatever your method, do it regularly so that recovery will be fast regardless of the event.
Not Using Strong Passwords
At this stage in the game, passwords should be long, interspersed with numbers, capital & lowercase letters, and special characters. Don’t file away your passwords or, worse yet, stick them on your desk. Malicious hackers can figure out your dog's name or your spouse's birthday easily enough. Try using a password manager that can create strong passwords and save them for you.
Not Downloading Safely
It can be very tempting to download free games, videos, or software, but consider where they come from and ask yourself if it could be a rogue download meant to install a virus first. Always try to stick with safe and well-known downloading sites.
Do you have a way of messing with your computer due to bad habits? We get it; we have all been there at some point. If you find that your computer is suddenly crashing, freezing, painfully slow, or has lost data, call Spectra Networks, We can evaluate the symptoms and prepare a solution for your needs. Call us at 978.219.9752 or visit our website.