Understanding Massachusetts Privacy Laws
We all value our privacy, especially when it comes to our personal information. We also value the devices that help us do our work, connect with others socially, and make day-to-day activities easier and, arguably, more fun.
What happens when our need for privacy intersects with our love for technology? For example, how much information about you is out there? Could someone easily find your sensitive information such as your social security number, credit card data, medical data, driver’s license, and all sorts of financial data? How at risk are you and what laws are out there to protect you?

If you live in Massachusetts, there is some good news. The Bay State is a pioneer when it comes to privacy laws. According to TrailHead online, Massachusetts was one of the first states to require organizations to implement safeguards on the storage and use of its residents’ personal information. Specifically, the Massachusetts General Law Chapter 93H and its regulation require that organizations develop and implement a written, regularly audited plan specifically designed to protect consumers’ personal information. The plan must include technical, physical, and administrative safeguards, such as limiting the collection of data, restricting access to the data, and monitoring security hazards.
Further Privacy Laws include the Massachusetts General Law (MGL) 93 that requires businesses and third-party vendors to destroy personal information in a manner that leaves it unrecoverable. This covers both physical and digital information. In addition to proper disposal, the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) 201 stipulates that third-party vendors limit the amount of personal information collected and that businesses take certain steps to verify that third-party vendors with access to personal information do not introduce risk.

Privacy Laws also specify that an individual’s name may not be may not be used in combination with any of the following:
- Social Security Number
- Driver’s License Number
- State Identification Card Number
- Financial Account Number, credit or debit card number
- Biometric Indicators such as facial features, fingerprints, iris, voice, hand geometry, as well as any other measurable physical trait as defined in MGL c. 93I
Want for information on Massachusetts Privacy Laws? Check out our resources below or call us at Spectra Networks at 978.219.9752 or visit our website.