

How the Skills Gap Is Widening in IT 

September 8, 2021

The World Economic Forum reports that there could be as many as 133 million new positions generated as a result of the new division of labor between humans, machines, and algorithms by the end of 2022. This is good news for our global economy after more than a year of struggling through a pandemic. However,…

data collage

How Data Loss Can Impact a Business 

September 1, 2021

Data loss is a huge problem for businesses both large and small. Losing data can cause a cascading list of consequences including loss of time, productivity, reputation, and finances. Some data losses are recoverable, while others can spell disaster for a business.  Data loss is extremely consequential to the success of a business no matter…

home office

The Benefits of AI Chatbots 

August 11, 2021

If you own an Alexa or Google Home, you are aware that artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot trend in the IT world. AI and AI chatbots are a rapidly growing segment of the IT world that business owners need to take advantage of to improve efficiency and productivity.  AI digital chatbots, in particular, are…

hard drive

It’s Time to Put Aside the 3-2-1 Backup Rule 

August 4, 2021

As a business leader, you probably already know that having a backup policy is critical to the continuity and future success of your business. But which backup rule is right for your business?  In the not-so-distant past, the 3-2-1 Backup Rule stood as the gold standard of best practices. Today, that rule is being questioned.…
