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Posts for scams


Phishing, Ransomware, & Data Breaches On the Rise in 2022

April 6, 2022

The onslaught of cyber attacks in 2021 was unrivaled from past years. Unfortunately, security experts believe that the trend for 2022 will continue, possibly even worsen, in the coming months, as the digital world continues to be rocked by several different types of cyber attacks: phishing scams, ransomware, and barrages of data breaches.  In past…

DDoS Attack

What is a DDoS Attack & How to Mitigate It? 

February 9, 2022

According to the Computing Technology Industry Association there are currently four main cyber security threats that every IT department, individuals, and personal users should be vigilant of in the coming year. These include supply chain issues, ransomware, social engineering, and our topic today, the growing prevalence of DDoS Attacks.  If you have never experienced a…

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Covid 19 Online Scam Updates 

November 17, 2021

From fraudulent vaccine claims to bogus cures, there is no lack of Covid-19 scams online these days. We’ve all seen the stimulus scams, phishing and spoofing frauds, and health insurance survey scams, but do you have a handle on the latest coronavirus frauds?  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reports that, “Scammers have milked Americans out…
