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Posts for breach

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Vulnerability: Netlogon Elevation of Privilege

September 23, 2020

Vulnerability: Netlogon Elevation of Privilege In August, Microsoft released a software update to mitigate a critical vulnerability known as Zerologon (CVE-2020-1472) in Windows Server operating systems. This vulnerability was given the highest Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score of 10.0 and given a “critical” security rating from Microsoft. The Microsoft Windows Netlogon Remote Protocol (MS-NRPC)…

computer data breach

What is the Most Common Cause of Data Breaches?

February 12, 2020

When we think about data breaches, we often envision a masked man sitting in the dark hacking his way into our personal and business data. We imagine a sinister “Big Brother” of sorts seeking to find our credit card numbers, social security info, and password credentials.  While there is definitely someone with malicious intent at…

hand shaking through a computer

Rebuilding Trust after a Breach

November 13, 2019

Trust is something that can take years to build and nurture, only to be destroyed by one event. That one event for some businesses is a data breach.  Rebuilding trust in a consumer/business relationship can be tough but doable. In the past few years, we have heard the endless list of organizations and businesses that…


Is Online Privacy Dead?

November 6, 2019

Americans value their privacy. Or do they? We lock our doors, close our windows, shut our shades at night, and secure our homes and cars when we aren’t around. However, we also carry cell phones and drive cars outfitted with GPS trackers and post on social media which can indicate to the whole world where…
