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work from home guide

Your COVID-19 HIPAA Guide: Navigating Telehealth, Compliance Changes, and a Remote Workforce

March 19, 2020

Your COVID-19 HIPAA Guide: Navigating Telehealth, Compliance Changes, and a Remote Workforce As we come to grips with our new reality during the Coronavirus, the healthcare industry has begun to adapt to its new role. Accessing patients during a time of “social distancing” can be challenging, but we are armed with the tech and the…

medical records

Keeping Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR) Safe

February 26, 2020

The vast majority of dental and medical practices have switched from paper records to electronic medical records in an effort to provide better patient care and modernize offices and treatment methods.  In transferring records from paper to digital format, these electronic medical records are covered under the HIPAA law, which requires that your healthcare provider…


Top HIPAA Violations

August 15, 2019

At Spectra Networks, we work with many businesses that need to remain HIPAA compliant, from dental practices to doctors offices. Maintaining HIPAA compliance for our clients is our top priority as we know the consequences can mean a loss of reputation and a major financial fine. Sadly, according to the U.S. Health and Human Services,…
