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Posts for Managed Services

Skills Gap

Closing the IT Skills Gap 

April 13, 2022

Between the 56 million Baby Boomers retiring in the next few years and the cost of childcare for younger professionals, the labor shortage in this country is a bit alarming. Add to this the skills gap in the IT industry, and you have the perfect storm of potential shortages in the technology world in the…

DDoS Attack

What is a DDoS Attack & How to Mitigate It? 

February 9, 2022

According to the Computing Technology Industry Association there are currently four main cyber security threats that every IT department, individuals, and personal users should be vigilant of in the coming year. These include supply chain issues, ransomware, social engineering, and our topic today, the growing prevalence of DDoS Attacks.  If you have never experienced a…

Skills Gap

4 Challenges in the IT World in 2022

February 2, 2022

To say that the last couple of years have been challenging would be a gross understatement, especially for organizations and businesses that involve the healthcare industry, service or hospitality industry, and the entertainment industry. Unfortunately, the pandemic has not left many industries untouched, including our IT industry. The fast and furious evolution of the IT…

cyber security

An Update on the The Log4J Vulnerability

January 19, 2022

Last month, a Biden Administration official in the cyber security division warned business executives and leaders from major US industries to be aware of a new and potentially serious vulnerability – the Log4J vulnerability.  On a call with major technology firms, healthcare executives, and financial leaders, the Administration revealed the software vulnerability that could impact…
